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Innovation Portal

Welcome! Join us on our
innovation journey.

About Us:

As a leading pan-Asian retailer, we are always committed to excellence. Guided by our strategic framework of Customers First, People Led, and Shareholder Driven strategies, we diligently seek opportunities to enhance everything we do.

At DFI, we believe that improvement can take many forms, from enhancing our product offerings and streamlining internal processes to developing cost-efficient store formats. Driving improvement is Innovation and Sustainability. Our commitment to building a more sustainable future means that we strive to integrate innovative, viable and green solutions into every aspect of our business.

We are inviting you to come with us on our improvement journey. Share your exciting new products or services with us. We welcome ideas from any current or prospective supplier. Just contact us through this website – the DFI Procurement Innovation Portal.

All submissions will be thoroughly reviewed and evaluated. Successful innovation entrants will gain access to our team of experts, who will provide comprehensive support throughout the development and implementation phases. Together, we can make your ideas a reality.

What type of innovation
are we looking for?



What's next ?

Submit your idea

Submissions are reviewed
(You will hear from us within 4-8 weeks)

Pitching day where you can meet with our management team and present your idea

Outcome shared

Trial or implement your idea!

Valuable ideas

We deeply appreciate your valuable ideas and innovative suggestions. Your contributions are integral to our growth, and we genuinely value your unique insights. Together, let's shape a brighter future.

Submit your idea


For further enquiries, please contact us at the email address: and quote your proposal reference number if necessary. We will reply to you shortly. Looking forward to hearing from you!

Contact Us